Friday, October 2, 2009

Party Foods for Halloween

If you are having a halloween party, you will want some fun party foods. You can go with a theme like orange and black foods or creepy food displays, or just decorate the table around the food.

Black and Orange theme: If you are going with this theme, keep it going for everything in the party room: decorations, streamers, table cloths, cups, balloons, etc. Serving bowls for orange foods should be black (or white), while serving bowls for black foods should be orange. Mix and max them on the table, intersperced with some mini pumpkins, black plastic spiders and bats. Plastic pumpkins or hollowed out real pumpkins (lined with plastic bags) can be used as serving bowls.

Orange food suggestions: Cubes of cheddar cheese; Cheetos; oranges - cut into wedges; any mayonnaise or cream cheese dip colored with orange food coloring; orange crackers or goldfish; deviled eggs with a little orange food coloring in the yolk mixture; wraps made with orange flatbreads, pumpkin cupcakes, etc.

Black foods: Chocolate fondue fountain; chocolate cookies/brownies/cupcakes; cream cheese dips made with black food coloring; pumpernickle bread (good hollowed out with spinach dip); blackended chicken or fish; etc.

Spooky foods: Mountain Dew will glow in the dark if you have black lights. You can also freeze it in ice cube trays and use to put in other drinks. You can get plastic hands (from party stores) to come out of punch bowls or serving trays. Use little halloween spider picks or other creepy toothpicks to put in cheese cubes or appetizers. Decorate cupcakes with crumbled chocolate cookie crumbs (dirt) and gummy worms. Make a batch of cooked shrimp with a red shrimp glaze, put those on a stick and call them 'pierced ears". Roll asparagus up in ham and call it 'alien fingers'. Tapioca pudding always looks strange - through in a couple of plastic eye balls and call it 'quicksand'.

Sometimes it is not the food as much as the label you give it. Have fun thinking up your own!

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